Enkelt brillestrikk i neopren fra Palm. Holder brillene på plass. Hvor stram du vil ha strikket mot bakhodet bestemmer du ut fra hvor langt inn på brillebogene du trekker det.

Palm Equipment
Since 1979, Palm’s founder Andy Knight has kept things simple – make gear for paddlers. Our mission is to enable a lifetime of paddlesport fun for everyone, with respect for the environment. We believe that with better equipment comes safer, more enjoyable experiences. Our products are designed in-house and made by those who share our values. Our home is in Somerset, UK, and we have a base in Asbach, Germany too, as well as our own manufacturing facilities in Hanoi, Vietnam. Palm Equipment and our associated brands VE Paddles, Islander Kayaks, Dagger Kayaks and Wilderness Systems are available through a worldwide network of specialty shops, activity centres and distributors.